iSAFE NIPT Prenatal Screening by dPCR (Same Day Report)

iSAFE NIPT Prenatal Screening by dPCR (Same Day Report)

Products / Solutions


- Four hours from sample to result with minimal hands-on time. - Chromosomal aneuploidy screening from maternal blood cfDNA. - All in a single reaction: • Trisomy 21, 18, and 13. • Fetal fraction. • Gender determination. • Sex Chromosome • Aneuploidy Detection. - Highly sensitive results starting from week 10 of pregnancy (with fetal fraction as low As 4%). - Sample batching is no more required in order to save on running costs. - No exhausting or time-consuming library preparation, just a simple PCR master mix. - < 20 Minutes Pipetting. - Just a Simple PCR Master Mix. - High multiplex dPCR. - Simple and Cost-Effective Workflow. - Straightforward Data Visualization.

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